Amber Mark does WFH the right way on "Prototype"

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    September 6, 2021 — Artists these days, the gifted Amber Mark among them, often have all the tools needed to make well-produced recordings entirely in the comfort of their homes.

    Amber recently posted a delightful video of herself crafting a cover of the Outkast track “Prototype” in which she plays all of the instruments and layers her own harmonies to create a lush, smooth vibe. A great bird’s-eye view on the creative process. Enjoy.

    By Robb Patryk

    Click Here to see video


    September 6, 2021 — Artists these days, the gifted Amber Mark among them, often have all the tools needed to make well-produced recordings entirely in the comfort of their homes.

    Amber recently posted a delightful video of herself crafting a cover of the Outkast track “Prototype” in which she plays all of the instruments and layers her own harmonies to create a lush, smooth vibe. A great bird’s-eye view on the creative process. Enjoy.

    By Robb Patryk

    Click Here to see video



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