Beverly Crawford - Live from Los Angeles (2007)

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    Beverly Crawford
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    Beverly Crawford has had a dynamic presence in the gospel music scene since the early 90s when she was singing with Bobby Jones and his group, New Life. She is well-known for her highly energetic performances, her down-home manner, and being able to sing both traditional hard-hitting songs and soft, melodic ballads. She brings those enormous talents with her latest project, Live From Los Angeles.
    Beverly Crawford has had a dynamic presence in the gospel music scene since the early 90s when she was singing with Bobby Jones and his group, New Life. She is well-known for her highly energetic performances, her down-home manner, and being able to sing both traditional hard-hitting songs and soft, melodic ballads. She brings those enormous talents with her latest project, Live From Los Angeles.

    This CD is what you call some serious gospel. When the opening song "Lion of Judah" kicks in and you hear the parishioners of Faithful Central Bible Church (where the album was recorded) shout in applause, you know you are in for a foot-stomping good time in the name of the Lord. By the time she follows that track with "He's Done Enough," Crawford has you in the palm of her hand and refuses to let go. "I Know Too Much" is reminiscent of the Mighty Clouds of Joy and the legendary Edwin Hawkins lends his vocal skills to "We Need to Hear a Word." Other standouts from this CD include "Great God," "He Keeps on Blessing Me," and the stunning "Praise Jehovah."

    Crawford has stayed true to her traditional style of gospel and that is made evident on Live From Los Angeles. Listening to this project will remind you of  that old time church experience where praise and worship is a staple that has been passed from generation to generation. Highly recommended.

    Christopher Whaley